Title: Duang Jai Patiharn (ดวงใจปาฏิหาริย์)
Also known as: Miracle of the Heart
Duration:17 Episodes
Genre: Drama, Romance, Slap n Kiss
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Techo is a heir of Narubarnbodi's family, the real estate millionaire. Unfortunately, he has a heart disease since he was born. After his parents passed away, he became despaired and lived his life heartlessly. He doesn't care for everyone and anything and likes to risk his life doing dangerous activity. So, everybody sees him thinks that he is a mean and heartless guy.
Later, Doctor Sakarin, his personal doctor gets an idea to use art therapy to soothe Techo's mind, so he hires Morin, a jobless artist to teach Techo and inspire him to want to continue his life and wait for a new heart transplant. Eventually, Techo falls in love with Morin.
However, Morin can't respond to his feelings toward her because of his manners and she thinks she's in love with her step-brother, Methin.
Joiner,Encoder, Uploader: Miaka, Jasmin, Mariana
Title: Duang Jai Patiharn (ดวงใจปาฏิหาริย์)
Also known as: Miracle of the Heart
Duration:17 Episodes
Genre: Drama, Romance, Slap n Kiss
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Techo is a heir of Narubarnbodi's family, the real estate millionaire. Unfortunately, he has a heart disease since he was born. After his parents passed away, he became despaired and lived his life heartlessly. He doesn't care for everyone and anything and likes to risk his life doing dangerous activity. So, everybody sees him thinks that he is a mean and heartless guy.
Later, Doctor Sakarin, his personal doctor gets an idea to use art therapy to soothe Techo's mind, so he hires Morin, a jobless artist to teach Techo and inspire him to want to continue his life and wait for a new heart transplant. Eventually, Techo falls in love with Morin.
However, Morin can't respond to his feelings toward her because of his manners and she thinks she's in love with her step-brother, Methin.
Joiner,Encoder, Uploader: Miaka, Jasmin, Mariana
Credits: Thanks to wishboniko's for her hard work
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