Title: Ching Nang
Also known as: ชิงนาง/Battle for the Belle / Snatch
Duration: 18 Episodes
Genre: Romance/Drama
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Four brothers: Preuk (Note), Pupah (Om), Meka (Kan), and Aroon (Ko) all love Wong Deuan (Rotmay) and try to win her heart. Preuk, the eldest of the brothers, is the most understanding and of course, most mature. He becomes the next owner of the Saen Samut, who was founded by his grandparents. Meka, who takes after his father, is a doctor. Aroon, who is the youngest, is the weakest and has an illness. He is also self-centered because he knows all of his brothers like Wong Deuan but he wants her to himself.
Pupah, on the other hand, our pra'ek, is the playful and outgoing one. He feels useless around his family because everyone has their own occupation but he doesn't. One day after an incident, Pupah gets kicked out of the house by his father and goes to live far out in the country, which is the land secretly given to him by his grandmother. Right before he leaves, he asks Wong Deaun to run away with him but Aroon fakes a sickness to prevent Deuan from going. The competition for Wong Deuan continues as more people are entangled in their story. (Source:
Credits: Thanks to OMakapansub for their hard work!
Joiner, Encoder, Uploader: Jamie
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