Title: Buang Banjathorn (2002)
Also known as: Baung Ban Ja Thorn (บ่วงบรรจถรณ์)
or: Back to the Future or The enchanted bed
Duration: 13 Episodes
Genre: Romance/Drama
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Heartbroken and disappointed in love, Praenuan (Marsha) decides to visit the estate her estranged, late father left her in his will. There, she finds an enchanted bed that transports her back in time where she meets Laoperng (Chakrit), whom she later falls for. But there's trouble when Praenuan's estranged husband wants to reconcile with her... credit to Chobling
Joiner,Encoder, Uploader: Mariana
Title: Buang Banjathorn (2002)
Also known as: Baung Ban Ja Thorn (บ่วงบรรจถรณ์)
or: Back to the Future or The enchanted bed
Duration: 13 Episodes
Genre: Romance/Drama
Broadcast network: Channel 7
Heartbroken and disappointed in love, Praenuan (Marsha) decides to visit the estate her estranged, late father left her in his will. There, she finds an enchanted bed that transports her back in time where she meets Laoperng (Chakrit), whom she later falls for. But there's trouble when Praenuan's estranged husband wants to reconcile with her... credit to Chobling
Joiner,Encoder, Uploader: Mariana
Credits: Thanks to Chobling for their hard work!
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